This week marks the annual IDEX International Defense Exhibition in Abu Dhabi. This is one of the middle-east’s largest and best attended trade shows. Our block 3 DRONEBUSTER makes its debut this week at IDEX with our Canadian partner Draganfly. Draganfly is showing several of their drone technologies with their regional distributor Remah International Group. This represents the first time the DRONEBUSTER has participated in an international exhibition and to date, it is attracting significant attention from regional militaries and police forces.
The DRONEBUSTER remains the smallest, lightest and most capable counter-drone detection and jamming system available today. Recent testing by the U.S. Army at Yuma Proving Ground confirmed system performance across all GPS and commercial drone communications channels.
Said Draganfly CEO Cameron Chell “We are thrilled to be a part of IDEX this year. The interest in these emerging drone and counter-drone technologies has been huge, and we look forward to working with our partners here in deploying these tools where they are needed.”